Pictures and Content © [current_year] JUWELIS

We proudly announce

The First Moringa Global Platform

For organic Moringa and other organic products, we:

Unify Producers and Buyers World-Wide
Establish Farmers Cooperatives
Create a Variety of Jobs
Optimize Marketing
Simplify Logistics
Build Target Networks
Transfer Knowledge
Support for Organic Certifications
Offer Turn-Key Technologies
Streamline Product Development
Offer Micro-finance

JUWELIS Office Moringa Farmer Moringa Farm  JUWELIS Training

Pictures and Content © [current_year] JUWELIS

Sustainable agriculture is the way of life today.

The life and livelihood of small and mid size farms depend on it and with them also YOU, as the consumer. Our farmers are carefully chosen by JUWELIS and trained to deliver the highest quality and comply with our standard procedures worldwide. Fair wages and education in organic farming enables farmer families to keep their land and boosts the local community as well.

Our current focus lies on organic Moringa but we are in the process to add other organic products which are native in the specific countries as well.

A large pool of international buyers and key distributors are set up. Clinical studies and additional international certifications have been filed in the USA to ensure the highest quality for the international market during every step from choosing seeds, through the processing and distribution. Farmer’s cooperatives and large parcels of land have been cultivated in Cambodia and many other countries are prepared for plantations. More details on “Our current projects“.

A team of global experts specialize in organic farming, building and educating farmer’s cooperatives, high density farming, engineering of irrigation, water and waste water technologies, renewable energies, processing, product development, marketing, FDA, GMP and global standard procedures, sales, distribution and logistics.

Currently, we focus on organic Moringa and other organic products that are native to the specific countries, later we will add livestock such as fish which are produced with the JUWELIS Smart Farm concept and technologies.

Only one platform unifies farmers, suppliers and buyers:

JUWELIS Moringa Global Advantage Association
Unit 308, 3/F, Chevalier House
45-51 Chatham Road South
Kowloon, Hong Kong

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